Sirens in the Blank


Artists from Royal College of Art programs Contemporary Art Practice, Sculpture and Information Experience Design come together in a multisensory, multidisciplinary group exhibition to explore the 'siren song'. Judith Deschamps, in collaboration with sound artists Jesse Cahn-Thompson and Yaprak Göker; Johanna Flato; Wilma Stone and Christopher Taylor use overlapping sound and video works to occupy and interrupt the heights and corners of the Hockney Gallery space. Individually, the elements touch on references from geology to mythology, from placeholders to castratos. Experienced together, the works suggest dueling contemporary takes on the 'siren song' of classical lore—that fatally irresistible call, that simultaneity of ultimate pleasure and pain—dissected, modified, manipulated, simulated. Curated by Johanna Flato.

Judith Deschamps, Chris Taylor, Wilma Stone

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